Separation, Divorce & Family Changes
Like any significant transition, big changes to family structure and routine are challenging for all involved. Here are a few resources to help and please know you can always reach out for more support!
Making Plans: A Guide to Parenting Arrangements After Separation or Divorce is a very thorough and helpful guide from the Canadian government.
Processing Big Changes is a guide for adults to walk through as they process the big changes for themselves. Many of these tips and strategies can be adapted for use with your kids too!
Separation or Divorce: Helping Adolescents and Pre-Teens Adjust is a great place to find some guidance.
Healthy Divorce is an article from the American Psychological Association on how to make the separation as smooth as possible.
Helping Children and Families Deal with Separation and Divorce is an academic article from the American Academy of Pediatrics with some information on typical reactions and modifying factors that can help your family during this time.
Co-Parenting Guide: Getting the Balance Right provides some introductory guidance for the vast world of co-parenting.
Long Distance Parenting: A Co-Parenting Guide provides tips on co-parenting when one parent lives far away from the other.
When Mom and Dad Separate: Children Can Learn to Cope with Grief from Divorce is a great workbook for students to do on their own, with siblings, or with a caregiver. With prompts for drawing and discussing feelings, it is a helpful resource for families at any stage of divorce (recent or not).